Thursday, November 19, 2009


Intentionally lose… is this possible? One of my coworkers just used this phrase when I let her borrow my flash-drive. I said, “Please don’t lose this”- with which she rebutted with “I won’t”… again I said “please don’t” and she said- “I won’t intentionally lose your flash drive” Which got me thinking-

No one ever “intentionally loses” anything. You can’t-- this is nearly impossible. How could one “intentionally… lose (the act of failing to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense) I’m pretty sure its not possible- you could intentionally place something somewhere hoping that you will forget about where you put it- but you cant lose something on purpose.

Where did Noah Webster come up with definitions for the first dictionary… did he have another book that he read and payed real close attention to the context clues or what…it doesn’t make sense- we have a book of words and their definitions that wasn’t published until the early 1800’s. Did he get to make up meanings for all of these words- they couldn’t have possible had that many words and definitions in 1806.

And how the hell did we add over 100 new words to the dictionary every year. The 2009 Webster’s Dictionary had over 100 new words? Where the hell are we getting new words? I know that with new advancements in medicine and technology- this is inevitable- but 100 in one year! I just can’t believe this. You remember when “ain't” wasn’t a word- well now it is, and that little annoying rhyme that kids used to say about it not being a word is now obsolete and cant be sung.

Than we have stupid words… words that should have never come into inception- For example- “Staycation” made up in 2005: “a vacation spent at home or nearby”. What the F does that even mean? A vaction is only a vacation if you GO somehwere else. So I am voiding that out of my own dictionary. I don’t believe in it.

Or think about this- Why do flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?- why do we have two words? Let’s just have one word for this meaning, since they sound almost identical, and not waste the space in the dictionary and people wont question this. I mean really? They both mean the same thing. Your better than that Webster.

And then there’s “Frenemy” which was made up 1977: “one who pretends to be a friend but is actually an enemy”. Theres no such thing- you are either a friend or and enemy. A person that pretends to be a friend but is really and enemy is exactly that- an ENEMY… we don’t need some useless word to tell us this crap. He or she is an enemy. That’s it. Which brings me to a favorite quote of mine that Lane Frost said in the movie, 8 Seconds- all-time favorite of mine. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Ponder on his rebuttal to when Kelly Kyle asked him about his fear of bulls- he responded with “Them bulls ain't got nothin against you, they just wanna buck you off and go about their business...people will hurt you a lot sooner." Think about that for a bit and tell me its not a great statement.

I like this too- Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart", all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart". Don’t say this- you are basically saying “Im a dumbass” when it comes to stuff that wasn’t an adaptive behavior… “I cant tell you what the three branches of government are or what the hell a mitochondria does, but if you need me to break into a building with a pair of tweezers, a three foot segment of 4 lb. test fishing line, a copper penny, and a boiled egg- I got you covered– Or if you need the hood on your Beemer fixed from your fender-bender , all I need is some duct tape and about ten minutes…Im like MacGyver” Whatever… street smart…

And for those who like quotes, I read a few weeks ago about a U.S. Recon Sniper who has the most kills in Iraq and Afghanistan. A reporter for some liberal network was asking him “What he felt as he pulled the trigger to end the lives of so many others?” He replied by shrugging his shoulders and nonchalantly said “Recoil”- For those who don’t know- that is basically the kick that a gun makes when it is fired. Awesome- God bless the men and women of our armed forces who put their lives on the line so that we can be free. America- F Yeah!



  1. true. The only people who take staycations are the ones who carry their babies in chest harnesses and drive hybrid cars.

  2. I intentionally lost the St. Eds game in 2001. I went on staycation on the left hash while the tight end was over on the right hash. And at Ringgold, when I realized that the football was not my friend, but rather my enemy (frenemy), I precisely kicked that mother into the stands. Two faced bitch of a football. FML.
