So, the Welfare Reform is upon us…
Like I said, it’s very simple- society today as a whole, we are a bunch of sissies… we think everyone should have privileges, everyone should be equal, and everyone should get the same say on issues that surround our very being. Don’t get me wrong- I am a firm believer in the Constitution and democracy, but I think that in today’s litigious society, some people go a bit too far. All they do is bring up a lawsuit and people back down. What happened to the days of a good ole fashion ass-whoopin or a pistol draw in the middle of the street? I know- these sissies that wanna cry foul on everything aren’t man enough to step to the plate- sure they will fight this on paper and ruin a good thing for 92% of the population, but then they’ll go cower behind their bubble-wrap when the fists start to fly.
So why do we let them push US around? We are the freakin majority! Stand up for something one time and stop worrying about the repercussions… lets go back to a true democracy, where everyone gets a vote, everyone who thinks this crap is BS; say so. We don’t need some 9 person- Supreme Court in Washington DC to make the decision for us – everyone should say whether they think its “Unconstitutional” or not- You can ask seven-year-olds across the the US- “Hey, what do you think that the people should do if they don’t like us to say a prayer before the football game” they are smart enough that almost all of them would say “tell them to not come or to not listen”
You don’t have to believe in what we are saying- but humor us…what’s the harm in that? I mean, if I went to India and attended a large gathering- I would expect them to say some sort of prayer to a higher being in Hindu… would I have a problem with it? Absolutely not, their society is based on Hinduism and over 80% of their population believes in this… if im there, I need to assimilate to their ways.
Democracy is based on everyone voicing their own opinion and I firmly believe in this system… everyone who should get a vote that is… its very simple if you ask me- Two simple questions when you get to the poll:
1. Do you pay taxes?
2. Can you make a 70% on this ten question test on the issues in which you are about to make a decision on?
If you can answer “Yes” to these 2 questions, then, yes, you should get to voice your opinion…PERIOD.
Did you know that a recent study by FOX News says “92 percent of Americans say they believe in God, 85 percent in heaven and 82 percent in miracles” – but, we are going to change a tradition that our country was founded upon years ago for that measly little, at the most, 8%?? WTF, I’m no mathematician, but that’s some serious BS. "OK- almost all of yall believe in God, but im sorry, since the 3 people in Alaska that don’t, we are not gonna say a prayer at tonight’s game in freakin Florida"- BS. This is absurd.
What happened to majority rules? There are hundreds of playgrounds across the country that are perfectly content with the rules that apply because of this… "Alright Timmy, they are 26 of us here- who wants to play two-hand-touch football like a bunch of liberal pansy’s?"- "OK…1, 2- Now who wants to play tackle football? Done! We are playing tackle…" im pretty sure that’s where we got the Democratic party… they didn’t wanna play tackle, so they went and sat on the sidewalk drawing pictures of ladybugs and hearts, and one of them said “ this isnt fair, we should go tell miss sally that they wont let us play the way WE want to play”- “Better yet they don’t like us, so lets F up their way of life and the traditions for the last seven generations”
So why do we let this happen? Why do we change for a minority? Just as in the days of cavemen, today we should go off of the concept of “Survival of the Fittest” If you cant provide for yourself and contribute to society, then that’s not our problem… I understand there are exceptions- and im NOT talking about that… I understand this- im talking of the millions of able individuals that could work and chose not to because they know that we are going to bail them out and take care of everything. Why get a job when you can sit on your ass and smoke mary-jane everyday and still get a check and food stamps? Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
We spend way too much on these bottom-feeders and no one wants to face the facts to make this “change”- Oh, I got your change- its simple. You want solutions- I got solutions. Im not saying they are fool-proof, but they are a great start to a revolution. So here goes:
1. Cap on the length of time on welfare- simple… you got 1 year. 1 year to make a play. We will pay for you and your shenanigans for 1 calendar year, then you’re on your own. There has got to be a end to the madness.
2. Basic training- if you are between the ages of 18 and 35 and you want welfare- that’s fine, but you are going through basic training- your first 6 weeks of drawing a check, you will be learning about sacrifice, discipline, self-control, consistency, etc. What it takes to serve in the greatest military on earth. What it means to have “freedom”- the sacrifices that those men and women went through, so that MY country can pay for you to be worthless.
3. After that we will find you a job- doing what you say? We have tons to do- there are always new roads that need built, new ditches to be dug, new trash to pick up, and new $h!^ to be cleaned. We will find you something to do, don’t you worry; but you will be doing something to get that check.
4. Drug tests- yes, that’s correct, unconstitutional or not, you will be accountable for your actions. If you have the money or means to find drugs, then you don’t need our money. You test positive for as much as a piece of BubbleYum. You aint getting your check.
5. On that note- tobacco and liquor stamp- yes, we are going to stamp your ID with a mark letting us know that you are on welfare. Similar to drugs- you shouldn’t be spending money on Colt 45’s and Salem Lights… When you go to buy, we will swipe your card. Too bad- get a job and we’ll talk.
In my opinion, these are five easy steps to cut billions out of our expenses. After that year, if you cant find a job, you can keep yours or we can give you a new one- you are going to have a job. Will you like it and will it be pleasant? Maybe not- but you will have no excuse for not being able to get one. If you don’t like it- tough. You are on your own… we don’t have time or money to support you. Is it fair? Maybe not- but neither is you basically stealing for the taxpayers, so we are even.
Kids? Yeah- we will take your kids and take care of them- we been doing it anyway. Maybe this way we can actually change the generation and not let them learn from your lazy ass.
Bottom line is this- contribute something. Be something. Like Abe Lincoln said “Whatever you are, be a good one” I don’t care if you are cutting grass with scissors in from of the Jefferson County courthouse in West Virginia- but be good and at least try to be good at it. Then if you want to contribute- we will let you voice your opinion and tell us about what is or what is not “fair”
America was not settled by those seeking an easy course, a handout, or to be taken care of by others. While there was some involuntary settlement, the overwhelming settlement was by people who wanted property and opportunity; a chance to reach for the heights, They were willing to risk failure, even starvation, misery and death in the pursuit of happyness.
Like I said, it’s very simple- society today as a whole, we are a bunch of sissies… we think everyone should have privileges, everyone should be equal, and everyone should get the same say on issues that surround our very being. Don’t get me wrong- I am a firm believer in the Constitution and democracy, but I think that in today’s litigious society, some people go a bit too far. All they do is bring up a lawsuit and people back down. What happened to the days of a good ole fashion ass-whoopin or a pistol draw in the middle of the street? I know- these sissies that wanna cry foul on everything aren’t man enough to step to the plate- sure they will fight this on paper and ruin a good thing for 92% of the population, but then they’ll go cower behind their bubble-wrap when the fists start to fly.
So why do we let them push US around? We are the freakin majority! Stand up for something one time and stop worrying about the repercussions… lets go back to a true democracy, where everyone gets a vote, everyone who thinks this crap is BS; say so. We don’t need some 9 person- Supreme Court in Washington DC to make the decision for us – everyone should say whether they think its “Unconstitutional” or not- You can ask seven-year-olds across the the US- “Hey, what do you think that the people should do if they don’t like us to say a prayer before the football game” they are smart enough that almost all of them would say “tell them to not come or to not listen”
You don’t have to believe in what we are saying- but humor us…what’s the harm in that? I mean, if I went to India and attended a large gathering- I would expect them to say some sort of prayer to a higher being in Hindu… would I have a problem with it? Absolutely not, their society is based on Hinduism and over 80% of their population believes in this… if im there, I need to assimilate to their ways.
Democracy is based on everyone voicing their own opinion and I firmly believe in this system… everyone who should get a vote that is… its very simple if you ask me- Two simple questions when you get to the poll:
1. Do you pay taxes?
2. Can you make a 70% on this ten question test on the issues in which you are about to make a decision on?
If you can answer “Yes” to these 2 questions, then, yes, you should get to voice your opinion…PERIOD.
Did you know that a recent study by FOX News says “92 percent of Americans say they believe in God, 85 percent in heaven and 82 percent in miracles” – but, we are going to change a tradition that our country was founded upon years ago for that measly little, at the most, 8%?? WTF, I’m no mathematician, but that’s some serious BS. "OK- almost all of yall believe in God, but im sorry, since the 3 people in Alaska that don’t, we are not gonna say a prayer at tonight’s game in freakin Florida"- BS. This is absurd.
What happened to majority rules? There are hundreds of playgrounds across the country that are perfectly content with the rules that apply because of this… "Alright Timmy, they are 26 of us here- who wants to play two-hand-touch football like a bunch of liberal pansy’s?"- "OK…1, 2- Now who wants to play tackle football? Done! We are playing tackle…" im pretty sure that’s where we got the Democratic party… they didn’t wanna play tackle, so they went and sat on the sidewalk drawing pictures of ladybugs and hearts, and one of them said “ this isnt fair, we should go tell miss sally that they wont let us play the way WE want to play”- “Better yet they don’t like us, so lets F up their way of life and the traditions for the last seven generations”
So why do we let this happen? Why do we change for a minority? Just as in the days of cavemen, today we should go off of the concept of “Survival of the Fittest” If you cant provide for yourself and contribute to society, then that’s not our problem… I understand there are exceptions- and im NOT talking about that… I understand this- im talking of the millions of able individuals that could work and chose not to because they know that we are going to bail them out and take care of everything. Why get a job when you can sit on your ass and smoke mary-jane everyday and still get a check and food stamps? Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
We spend way too much on these bottom-feeders and no one wants to face the facts to make this “change”- Oh, I got your change- its simple. You want solutions- I got solutions. Im not saying they are fool-proof, but they are a great start to a revolution. So here goes:
1. Cap on the length of time on welfare- simple… you got 1 year. 1 year to make a play. We will pay for you and your shenanigans for 1 calendar year, then you’re on your own. There has got to be a end to the madness.
2. Basic training- if you are between the ages of 18 and 35 and you want welfare- that’s fine, but you are going through basic training- your first 6 weeks of drawing a check, you will be learning about sacrifice, discipline, self-control, consistency, etc. What it takes to serve in the greatest military on earth. What it means to have “freedom”- the sacrifices that those men and women went through, so that MY country can pay for you to be worthless.
3. After that we will find you a job- doing what you say? We have tons to do- there are always new roads that need built, new ditches to be dug, new trash to pick up, and new $h!^ to be cleaned. We will find you something to do, don’t you worry; but you will be doing something to get that check.
4. Drug tests- yes, that’s correct, unconstitutional or not, you will be accountable for your actions. If you have the money or means to find drugs, then you don’t need our money. You test positive for as much as a piece of BubbleYum. You aint getting your check.
5. On that note- tobacco and liquor stamp- yes, we are going to stamp your ID with a mark letting us know that you are on welfare. Similar to drugs- you shouldn’t be spending money on Colt 45’s and Salem Lights… When you go to buy, we will swipe your card. Too bad- get a job and we’ll talk.
In my opinion, these are five easy steps to cut billions out of our expenses. After that year, if you cant find a job, you can keep yours or we can give you a new one- you are going to have a job. Will you like it and will it be pleasant? Maybe not- but you will have no excuse for not being able to get one. If you don’t like it- tough. You are on your own… we don’t have time or money to support you. Is it fair? Maybe not- but neither is you basically stealing for the taxpayers, so we are even.
Kids? Yeah- we will take your kids and take care of them- we been doing it anyway. Maybe this way we can actually change the generation and not let them learn from your lazy ass.
Bottom line is this- contribute something. Be something. Like Abe Lincoln said “Whatever you are, be a good one” I don’t care if you are cutting grass with scissors in from of the Jefferson County courthouse in West Virginia- but be good and at least try to be good at it. Then if you want to contribute- we will let you voice your opinion and tell us about what is or what is not “fair”
America was not settled by those seeking an easy course, a handout, or to be taken care of by others. While there was some involuntary settlement, the overwhelming settlement was by people who wanted property and opportunity; a chance to reach for the heights, They were willing to risk failure, even starvation, misery and death in the pursuit of happyness.
Maybe we should look to be spending more on history teachers rather than English teachers to teach ENGLISH in our American schools. Maybe we should teach our youth a little more about how they ended up in this great union, rather than teach them of how they can milk society like an old milk cow.
Maybe we should think about some sort of “CHANGE”
…We have been robbed- its time to rob back
Maybe we should think about some sort of “CHANGE”
…We have been robbed- its time to rob back
There is nothing wrong with people being litigious. It allows wonderful people like me to be employed. Plus, haven't you ever wanted to sue someone because your coffee scalded you? If the answer to that question is yes - please contact me for legal assistance.